Contrary to my expectations, this was the only one available among my library grid.
I just thought much more published...
Anyway, everything would be more enjoyable with some knowledge ahead.
That's one of lessons that I've learned even in my frigging miserable life.
Overall, this was a sort of a bio of Rita Marley as Bob's wife and also one of his back up singers.
If you're crazy about Bob himself and his sounds, this book might not be the right one as the title tells literally. You might want to go to something different straightaway!
But, having said that, I knew almost nothing about this world phenomenal movement in 70's.
So it was worthwhile for me...His music has attracted people all over the world and it's true, no doubt about it.
But this is just his one side. You wanna know a little dirty? to "Keep it Real " .
He was a real magnet for chicks.
I knew he was quite a one nighter but this gives you more details about that kind of thing from his "official "wife, Rita's perspectives.
If I were her, I just couldn't stand.
You're on the road with him, staying at a seperate hotel room from his.
And he rumples his bedclothes with a woman who is not you at least...
It's torture, isn't it, girls?!
Only one time, just once in her marriage life with Bob, they had a quarrel over his flirtatious relationships, Rita says in the book. At that time, Bob told her, "You don't have to give birth to all kids that I need in my life. Your body will be ruined."
Then she realized any kind of argument wouldn't cut it and never let an argument happened.
Do you think it makes sense? Theoretically, it seems to be barely OK... but I think I need to learn more about Rastafarianism to understand him better.
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