I immediately noticed my taxi driver and his assistant guy were Hispanic by a language they were speaking each other.
I really wanted to talk to them in Spanish while my vocabulary was extremely limited.
My brain was desperately struggling to find Spanish words that seemed cool and would make them laugh.
In time the car stopped in the front of the airport hotel we were going to stay.
I was, like being stading on the edge of a cliff, no time left at all, and finally this poped up out of my mouth in a loud voice when I was just about to put my one foot on the ground from the car.
" Muchas gracias! " They looked a bit surpriced but gave me biiiiig smiles !!
What an experience !
I was so exhausted and a bit under the weather, actually.
But it's gone, it has, totally!!
Come to think of it,
I might had fogotten pleasure of making myself understood in a foreign language even if it was just a greeting word...
Like this way, I've just taken up learning Spanish.
Luckily, I have a tutor, Linda. Totally indivisual contract.
My English, it was crazily a long way to come up to here,
so I'll take it slow.
Hope to understand survival travel Spanish by this fall.
BTW, the first thing I did once stepping into the room was, Chinese delivery order !!! Almost every American TV drama has a scenes of munching away paper-made boxed Chinese on the bed or couch... so I wanted to try.Hahaha.
It was yummy and I was happy.
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