Maybe I have to admit this, because I'm no hypocrite.
I wanted something to make me feel happy as I am now, by comparing myself to sort of a social pariah like Precious.
Anyway, since I knew about the movie, I'd been dying to "SEE", not "WATCH".
Actually, I just couldn't wait for the theater release and I've finished the original novel before I was headed to the theater. Hahaha.

Once I started the book, I was shocked.
I've never seen a book contains nasty words that much !
Some I could guess the meaning contextually, but some I didn't have any clue at all.
Besides, spellings were reflective of the way people in "Project" speaks so that I felt I was almost there, listening their dialect directly, which was good point.

She's pregnant when the story begins. This is her SECOND child with whom?!
It's her father !! She's been raped by him since she was quite small.
Addtion to her insane father, her mother is also disfuctional.
She abuses Precious verbally and of course physically, not tring to do anything for her family but just relying on welfare.

Her first baby has Down syndrome and she calls her "Lit Mongo".
This is only written in the book.
You might associate Mongo with some kind of Spanish name, but Mongo is named after Mongolian since kids with this challenge seem to be Asian.
As one of Asians, I was not confortable with this...

Because Precious finds out she's HIV positive having being carried from her diabolical father.
How could her life more miserable?! Is it necessry to make her more fucked up?!
But she decides to move on with her 2 kids, being seperate from her mother.
Doing what she can now, every single day. This is the rough story.
Her mother played by Mo'Nique is outrageous. But at one scene, I was totally with her. When she admitted her abusive behavior against her own child, she claimed like, " I wanted to be loved, I needed to be loved. My kid took it away from me. That's why I started bullying"
The way she took was completely wrong, but everybody needs love and to be loved. This is natural desire, isn't it?
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